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University of Southern Denmark IMADA - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Pervasive Computing: Bridging Multi-disciplinary Knowledge

Tao Gu
Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore

Wednesday, 07 January, 2009 at 10:15
IMADA's Seminar Room


The emerging Pervasive computing is continuing to evolve and shape our future lives. The research problems in this area are often multifaceted and multidimensional, requiring in-depth and cross-disciplinary knowledge to obtain solutions. In this talk, I will first investigate the problem of providing a scalable and robust context lookup service in multiple spaces. I will demonstrate how to address several critical issues efficiently by leveraging on the semantic web and Peer-to-Peer technologies. Then, I will present our recent effort on sensor-based human activity recognition. We design our Emerging Pattern based algorithm to address a challenging problem of recognizing both simple (i.e., sequential) and complex (i.e., interleaved and concurrent) activities, and evaluate our solution through comprehensive real-world empirical studies. On-going research and open problems will also be discussed.

Host: Kim Skak Larsen

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Daniel Merkle