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University of Southern Denmark IMADA - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


A Dynamic Programming Approach for Reconstructing the Co-Phylogenetic History of Hosts and Parasites

Nicolas Wieseke
Parallel Computing and Complex Systems Group
University of Leipzig, Germany

Thursday, 26 March, 2009 at 14:15
Auditorium U59


The problem of reconstructing a combined evolutionary history of host and parasite species has been strongly discussed in research. For this problem an algorithmic approach, based on dynamic programming, will be introduced. A co-evolutionary reconstruction is computed from the phylogenies of two interacting species and a given leaf-to-leaf mapping from one of the trees to the other. The calculation is based on an event-driven model of coevolution where costs are assigned to each event. Similar to maximum parsimony methods the algorithm searches for reconstructions which minimize the total costs of all events that occurred. However, from a biological point of view the exact values for these costs are unknown and any rational basis is missing. To solve this problem a parameter-free reconstruction approach, based on a careful reformulation of the underlying optimization problem, is developed. Preliminary results will be shown, that clearly indicate the potential of the new approach.

Host: Daniel Merkle

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