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University of Southern Denmark IMADA - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Artificial Intelligence Applications of On-Line Geometric Searching

Alejandro López-Ortiz
School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo, Canada

Tuesday, 17 August, 2010 at 10:15
IMADA's Seminar Room


Consider a scenario in which m different streets intersect at a single point. We are given n robots to explore the rays and find a target, say a petrol station, located at an unknown distance along the rays. The case m=2, n=1 is the classical doubling search problem, while n=1, and arbitrary m is the also well known "cow path" problem.

In this talk we consider several variants of the cow-path problem and highlight their applications in the scheduling of multiple heuristics in Artificial Intelligence settings.

Host: Kim Skak Larsen

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Daniel Merkle