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University of Southern Denmark IMADA - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Heterogeneous Modelling

Alexander Knapp
Software & Systems Engineering, Department of Computer Science
Augsburg University, Germany

Friday, 25 May, 2012 at 10:45
Auditorium U58


Software designs involve different notations and different views which have to be integrated consistently in a system implementation. We first outline an algebraic heterogeneous software modelling approach exemplified by the UML: The semantics of partial models are captured by institutions, consistency conditions are represented by institution co-morphisms. On the programming level, we then consider the Single-Instruction Multiple Threads (SIMT) model of execution used on GPUs which can be combined with CPU-based programs for highly parallel applications. We show that SIMT computations are correct with respect to an interleaving multi-thread semantics, but also demonstrate the unfairness of this model of execution. If time permits, we finally discuss an abstract scheme of specifying software components and their compatibility.

Host: Martin Svensson

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