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University of Southern Denmark IMADA - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Longest Common Extensions in Sublinear Space

Hjalte Wedel Vildhøj
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Technical University of Denmark

Saturday, 30 May, 2015 at 13:15
IMADA's Seminar Room


The longest common extension problem (LCE problem) is to construct a data structure for an input string T of length n that supports LCE(i,j) queries. Such a query returns the length of the longest common prefix of the suffixes starting at positions i and j in T. This classic problem has a well-known solution that uses O(n) space and O(1) query time. In this paper we show that for any trade-off parameter 1 <= t <= n, the problem can be solved in O(n/t) space and O(t) query time. This significantly improves the previously best known time-space trade-offs, and almost matches the best known time-space product lower bound.

Host: Kim S. Larsen

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