Problem 7.3: Smallest Triangle-Free k-Chromatic Graph

The problem of the order of magnitude of n(k) has been solved by Kim in the paper [J.H. Kim, The Ramsey Number R(3,t) has Order of Magnitude t2/log t, Manuscript 1994].

Some further details can be found in the paper [J. Spencer, Modern Probabilistic Methods in Combinatorics, Surveys in Combinatorics 1995, Cambridge University Press, pp. 215-231].

The above result of J.H. Kim implies that n(k) has order of magnitude k2 log k.

We do not know if the limit of n(k)/(k2 log k) exists when k tends to infinity. The remaining subproblems of Problem 7.3 are still open.

August 10, 1995 T.R. Jensen and B. Toft.

The paper [Y. Caro, On The Covering Number Of Combinatorial Structures, Ars Combin. 29B (1990) 111-124] already contains, as a special case, the greedy coloring argument that we have presented as a proof that k2 log k is a lower bound for the order of magnitude of n(k).
Our argument for the special case of triangle-free graphs may also be found in [B. Toft, Graph Colouring Problems part I, Odense University Preprint, April 1987].

The above paper of Y. Caro deals with a more general setting, in which also a number of new results on the cochromatic number (see Problem 17.3) are obtained.

August 13, 1997 T.R. Jensen and B. Toft.

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Last modified August 13, 1997 Tommy R. Jensen