GRAPH THEORY 2002 (remember to reload the page to get the most recent version)

at the University of Southern Denmark
August 19-23, 2002.

A Graph Theory meeting will take place as announced above.
The meeting will be open to all areas of graph theory and related fields.
Participation is by invitation only, but all lectures are public.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Bjarne Toft .

The meeting is now (August 15) fully booked.
The meeting will be used as a platform to promote collaboration and advance our knowledge on graphs.
The number of participants is around 35.
See the  list of invited participants and titles of accepted talks .
list of addresses  is available too.

The program will consist of one hour (45min + 15 min break) and half hour lectures (20 min + 10 min break)
and workshops (we shall try to avoid parallel sessions).
See the   preliminary program  and  the conference program  as planned at the moment (August 15).

The meeting will take place at the University of Southern Denmark  in Odense,
and at Quality Hotel, Odense Congress Center where all non-local participants will be accomodated.
The meeting starts on Monday August 19 in Odense Congress Center
(lunch buffet at 12 and first lecture at 13.15).

For information on how to reach Odense and Odense Congress Center click  here  .

The meeting is planned by the Danish group in Graph Theory.
It is sponsored by grants from the Natural Science Research Council of Denmark and  from INTAS.
The meeting may also be seen as an activity of the INTAS Graph Colour Network.

The organizing and program committee of GRAPH THEORY 2002  consists of:

This web page
will be updated whenever new information is available.
Last updated August 15, 2002