Problem 5.9: Number of critical subgraphs

A partial result on the conjecture of Abbott and Zhou [1992] mentioned in the remarks to the problem has been obtained by André E. Kézdy and Hunter S. Snevily in their paper

A.E. Kézdy and H.S. Snevily, On Extensions of a Conjecture of Gallai, J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 70 (1997), 317-324.

Abstract: A graph G is k-critical if it has chromatic number k but every proper subgraph of G has a (k-1)-coloring. We prove the following result. If G is a k-critical graph of order n>k3, then G contains fewer than n - 3k/5 + 2 complete subgraphs of order k-1.

The conjecture by Abbott and Zhou suggests that G contains at most n-k+3 complete subgraphs of order k-1, and they proved this for k=4.

August 18, 1997. B. Toft.

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Last modified August 18, 1997 Bjarne Toft