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Lower Bounds for External Memory Dictionaries

Rolf Fagerberg
University of Southern Denmark

Tuesday, May 25, 2004, at 14:15
Seminar Room


B-trees support member queries and updates using log_B N/M disk accesses (or I/Os) for each operation. A well-known lower bound states that for comparison based index structures, queries cannot be done with fewer I/Os in the worst case.

The question we study here is to what extent the number of I/Os for updates can be improved, possibly at the cost of slower queries. More specifically, we study trade-offs between the update time and the query time for comparison based external memory dictionaries.

Our main results are two lower bound trade-offs between the number of I/Os for member queries and insertions. In detail, the lower bounds are:

If N>M insertions perform at most δ*N/B I/Os, then (1) there exists a query requiring N/(M*(M/B)O(δ)) I/Os, and (2) there exists a query requiring Ω(log(N/M)/log(δ log2N) I/Os when delta is O(B/log3N) and N is at least M2.

For both lower bounds, we also present data structures with matching upper bounds for a wide range of parameters, thereby showing the lower bounds to be tight within these ranges.

Among the data structures is a variant of B-trees where for any e>0, the number of I/Os for updates can be improved by a factor of B1-e (compared to standard B-trees), while the number of I/Os for queries is a factor 1/e worse (compared to standard B-trees). A value such as e=1/4 could be a practically interesting choice.

This is joint work with Gerth Stølting Brodal.

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Last modified: May 10, 2004.
Joan Boyar (joan@imada.sdu.dk)


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