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University of Southern Denmark IMADA - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science


Ready, Set, Approximate!

Rasmus Pagh
Theory Department
IT University of Copenhagen

Tuesday, December 7, 2004, at 14:15
Seminar Room


The talk considers space-efficient data structures for storing an approximation S' to a set S such that SS' and any element not in S belongs to S' with probability at most ε. The Bloom filter data structure, solving this problem, has found widespread use. The talk presents a new RAM data structure that improves Bloom filters in several ways:

  • The time for looking up an element in S' is O(1), independent of ε.
  • The space usage is within a lower order term of the lower bound.
  • The data structure uses explicit hash function families.
  • The data structure supports insertions and deletions on S in amortized expected constant time.

Host: Joan Boyar

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Last modified: October 27, 2004.
Joan Boyar (joan@imada.sdu.dk)


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