The Result of the Compiler Construction Competition

Competition was close this year. We can only announce one winner, but two of the compilers were quite close. The compilers were tested on a large collection of programs.

Correctness of the test suite as well as speed of Knapsack.src for the different groups can be seen below. Note that marks in the tables do not necessarily indicate an error situation, since we have also used these tests to see which run-time errors the groups have decided to catch, and to get a feel for decisions regarding evaluation orders etc.

Thus, some of the markings indicate indisputable errors whereas others more have the character of decisions reflecting matters of opinion. So, some markings have not been counted as errors, and among the ones which have been counted as errors, some are more serious than others.

Also note that features other than correctness and speed have been taken into account as well.

The winners

The lecturer and teaching assistant of the course have together evaluated the compilers and we have agreed to announce the following group as winner of the competition:

Group 2:
Svend Elberg Knudsen
Kasper Mortensen
Peter Severin Rasmussen

The decision was based on an essentially correct implementation, many advanced features, and quite fast code on the announced speed test.

Honorary Award

This does not happen every year, but we have this year decided to grant an honorary award. The compiler of this group was good with regards to correctness, and the fastest on Knapsack.src.

The recipient of the honorary award is the following group:

Group 5:
Sævar Berg Sævarsson
Andreas Vinter-Hviid

Pictures from the "ceremony"

The winners.

The lecturer congratulates the winners.

Close-up of the winner T-shirt.

The recipients of the honorary award.

The lecturer congratulates the recipients of the honorary award.

The winners are now in the Hall of Fame.

Last modified: Tue May 17 09:51:32 CEST 2016
Kim Skak Larsen (