The Result of the Compiler Construction Competition

Competition was close this year. We can only announce one winner, but three of the compilers were quite close. The compilers were tested on a large collection of programs as well as additional undisclosed example programs, checking for further correctness issues, quality of register allocation, efficiency of function calls, etc.

The winners

Together, the lecturer and teaching assistant of the course have evaluated the compilers and we have agreed to announce the following group as winner of the competition:

Group 3:
Caroline Berntsen Knudsen
Lucas Riis Kjærgaard

The decision was based on a perfect test score with regards to correctness, several advanced features, and quite fast code on the speed tests.

Pictures from the "ceremony"

The winners.

The lecturer congratulates the winners.

Close-up of the winner T-shirt.

The winners are now in the Hall of Fame.

Last modified: Wed May 17 15:44:09 CEST 2017
Kim Skak Larsen (