
The oral exam will take place Wednesday and Thursday, April 8-9, 2015 in U92. The starting time is 8:00 both days.

The sequence of examinations is:

Wednesday, April 8

  1. Jonas Malte Hinchely
  2. Anden eksamination i 30 min.
  3. David Mortan Grøne Hammer
  4. Casper Kehlet Jensen
  5. Anders Busch
  6. Lars Thomasen
  7. Dan Sebastian Thrane
  8. Peter Gottlieb
  9. Simon Yde-Madsen
  10. Irvin Kubat
  11. Selma Cikotic
  12. Donjeta Runjeva
  13. Henrik Krabbe Clausen
  14. Shiron Andru Narenthirarajah
  15. Rune Mark Rasmussen

Thursday, April 9

  1. Henrik Schulz
  2. Martin Pedersen
  3. Kristine Vitting Klinkby Knudsen
  4. Stephan Jensen
  5. Nick Ilazi
  6. Thomas Oxholm Sørensen
  7. Jacob Alexander Levin
  8. Rune Ege Larsen
  9. Lasse Malm Lidegaard
  10. Lasse René Pedersen
  11. Robin Dekker Madsen
  12. Mathias Wulff Svendsen
  13. Benjamin Bjørn Larsen
  14. Kristian Suhr Vedel Egebæk-Carlsen
  15. Peter Aagaard Larsen
  16. Oliver Fredrik Djurhuus

We have announced the curriculum (pensum) for the course.

The following is the normal procedure for the exam:

First, the student draws a question from the list of exam questions. The examination starts immediately after, i.e., there is no preparation time. The student may give a presentation of a duration of approximately 10-15 minutes. After this, questions will asked in relation to the question which was drawn as well as the rest of the curriculum. The student may bring a list of about 10 keywords in order to remember which topics to cover. The exam form is discussion-oriented using the blackboard. Students are not allowed to bring their own transparencies, computer presentations, or similar. The total examination time will usually be approximately 25 minutes. See the curriculum for details regarding what may come up at the exam.

Before the oral exam, you should see the examination sequence. It is not possible to calculate the exact examination time from the placement in the sequence, since students earlier on the list may not show up. Thus, students are expected to show up plenty early. In principle, all students who are taking the exam on a particular date are supposed to show up when the examination starts, i.e., at the time the first student is scheduled. This is partly because of the way external examiners are paid, which is by the number of students who show up for examination. For this particular exam, we do not expect many no-shows, so showing up 1-2 hours before the estimated time of the exam is safe (obviously, the possible deviation increases during the day). Of course, you never have to show up before the starting time of the exam.

Questions of general interest in connection with the exam will be answered via the course home page.

Last modified: Tue Mar 31 09:39:02 CEST 2015
Kim Skak Larsen (kslarsen@imada.sdu.dk)