
The exam will take place in IMADA's seminar room.

The sequence of examinations is:

Thursday, March 30, starting 16:00

  1. Christine Johanne Sæderup Gundlach
  2. Jacob Haubjerg Madsen
  3. Troels Risum Vigsøe Frimer
  4. Tamas Imre Winkler
  5. Bihito Moses Musafiri

Friday, March 31, starting 8:00

  1. Lucas Riis Kjærgaard
  2. Caroline Berntsen Knudsen
  3. Nicolai Aarestrup Jørgensen
  4. Frederik Olsen Andersen
  5. Tobias Madsen
  6. Martin Stig Bondesen
  7. Phong Anh Tran
  8. Nicolai Christian Jon Bille Brahe
  9. Thomas Gravgaard Hansen
  10. Klaus Thomas Kristiansen
  11. Brian Alberg
  12. Rasmus Frank Hansen
  13. Thomas Ruberg
  14. Kasper Mortensen
  15. Anders Bjørn Moeslund
  16. Mathias Emil Bøgebjerg
  17. Jonatan Møller Gøttcke
  18. Boje Møller Nielsen
  19. Sebastian Stefan Metzger

It is not possible to calculate the exact examination time from the placement in the sequence, since students earlier on the list may not show up. Thus, students are expected to show up plenty early. In principle, all students who are taking the exam on a particular date are supposed to show up when the examination starts, i.e., at the time the first student is scheduled. This is partly because of the way external examiners are paid, which is by the number of students who show up for examination.

The following is the normal procedure for the exam:

First, the student draws a question from the list of exam questions. The examination starts immediately after, i.e., there is no preparation time. The student may give a presentation of a duration of approximately 10-15 minutes. After this, questions will asked in relation to the question which was drawn as well as the rest of the curriculum. The student may bring a list of about 10 keywords in order to remember which topics to cover. The exam form is discussion-oriented using the blackboard. Students are not allowed to bring their own transparencies, computer presentations, or similar. The total examination time will usually be approximately 25 minutes. See the curriculum for details regarding what may come up at the exam.

Questions of general interest in connection with the exam will be answered via the course home page.

Last modified: Fri Mar 24 14:12:27 CET 2017
Kim Skak Larsen (kslarsen@imada.sdu.dk)