Slow down maybe a bit better timing for deadlines and releases the assignments a bit earlier would be great. giv dig selv bedre tid til at forklarer et koncept Så det synes jeg helt klart skal fortsætte! Dette fag burde splittes helt op fra sn anden halvdel så man kunne undgå denne del hvis man har den i forvejen. Mere tid til afleveringer (deadlines behøves ikke være senere, vi skal bare have opgaven tidligere), så vi bedre personligt kan planlægge vores tid, i forhold til sideløbende projekter - Please start writing "n" and "m" in normal font and not italic on the board. It is very distracting when one has to spent time trying to figure out if you wrote "n" or "m". Would be great to have the assignments available a little earlier. Even though each assignment may not be a heavy workload, I still need to plan when to do it. It would be VERY nice to get the solutions for the exercises. I come to all of the exercise classes and I usually also have a try at them at home, but it would be nice to also be able to look at your solutions when I get home from the exercise class, to kind of do a review after the exercise class. If you fear that it would discourage people to come to the exercise class or it would make people not try to do the exercises, then perhaps you should password protect each solution sheet, and hand out a new password after each exercise class such that only the students who attended could see it (of course people could still share the password..). Hvis det var muligt at løsninger til opgaverne evt blev sendt til dem der deltager i timerne, eller der var mere tid til at notere svar ned. Instead of just uploading the slides where all of the text is on each slide, could you also put up the same version you use during the lecture, where the text on each slide gradually appears. It would make it somewhat easier to go through the slides at home as it would be easier to follow the train of thought you had while making the slides.