DM22, Spring 2005 - Weekly Note 7

To give you time to work on Project 1, one set of lectures and eksaminatorie classes are canceled: there will be no lectures Monday, March 21, and no eksaminatorie classes Thursday March 31 and Friday April 1.

Many other courses have project deadlines interspersed with the project deadlines of DM22. Please make sure that you plan accordingly. Work ahead of the deadline if necessary. The five weeks window (March 7 to April 11) should give you ample time for this.

Lecture March 14

Lazy evaluation and infinite structures.


The rest of Chapter 16 in Thompson. Chapter 17 (except Section 17.9) in Thompson.


In Chapter 16 and 17, we have not discussed all examples in the text at the lectures. Specifically, we have not talked about Sections 16.5, 16.8, 16.9, 17.5 and 17.8. These are left to read on your own.

Lecture April 4 (Expected Contents)

Time and space behavior. Proofs of correctness.


Chapter 19 in Thompson. Chapter 8, and Sections 10.9, 14.7, and 17.9 in Thompson.

Exercises March 17/18

Exercises 15.4, 15.5, 15.8, 15.9, 15.13, 16.9, 16.26, and 16.28 in Thompson. Discussion of project.

Exercises April 7/8

Exercises 16.11, 16.12, 17.2, 17.22, 17.23, 17.28, 17.29 in Thompson. Exam of summer 2003 (pdf), exercise 3. Exam of sommer 2002 (pdf), exercise 4, Exam of vinter 2001 (pdf), exercise 3.

Unfortunately, previous exam sets are all in Danish. The exam set this summer will be in English.

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