DM26, Fall 2005 - Weekly Note 6

Lecture October 12

Handout and discussion of course project. Normal forms: functional dependencies, BCNF.


Ramakrishnan and Gehrke: Sections 19.1-3 and 19.5.1.

Lecture October 26 (Expected Contents)

More on normal forms.


Rest of Chapter 19 (you can skip 19.8.3, 19.8.4, and 19.9).

Exercises October 26/November 4

Exercises 19.1 (except questions 3 and 4), 19.2, 19.3, 19.7 (in question (b), only consider whether the relation is in 3NF or BCNF), and 19.15 in Ramakrishnan and Gehrke. Note: some of these exercises use material not covered until the October 26 lecture, hence the October 26 exercise class could be a little less based on students activity than usual (more exercises on the same subjects will appear at next set of exercise classes).

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