DM505, Spring 2007, 4th Quarter - Weekly Note 1

Lecture April 2

Introduction to course. Introduction to Database Management Systems. The Relational Model.


Kifer, Bernstein, and Lewis: Chapters 1-2 and Sections 3.1-2. Slides: pdf, pdf.


Our introduction slides do not discuss exactly the same subjects as Chapter 1.

Lecture April 11 (expected contents)

More on Relational Model and its formulation in SQL. Start on Entity-Relationship Model.


Kifer, Bernstein, and Lewis: Rest of Chapter 3, Sections 4.1-3.

Exercises April 12

Exercises 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 in Kifer, Bernstein, and Lewis. (Note: for some of these exercises, the background material will be covered a little late, namely at the April 11 lecture.)

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