DM63 - metaheuristics Fall 2005

The course is primarily project oriented and thus there will only be weekly notes in the first part of the course.

NB: Aflevering af projektopgave skal ske i 2 kopier

Testdata from Johnson (graph partitioning)

"Der holdes pizzamøde for alle studerende tirsdag d. 29/11 kl. 16.00 - 18.00 i U20 og U24. Følgende punkter vil blive taget op: Generel information om speciale-/bachelorstudiet, Orientering om planlagte valgfri kurser i matematik og datalogi samt om mulige speciale- og bachelorprojekter. Endvidere eventuelle "ønsker" fra de studerende. Til slut vil der være gratis pizza, øl og sodavand til de fremmødte."

Examproject is available now click here

Testdata for Exam project

XLOLIB files:

The data is saved as an n times n matrix in python format: [[row 1],[row 2],...,[row n]]
The files with '_100' in their name have n=150
The files with -_250' in their name have n=250

Optimal solutions for problems whose name ends with 100.mat:

['be75eec_100.mat', 3624003] ['be75np_100.mat', 7615856] ['be75oi_100.mat', 2278530] ['be75tot_100.mat', 13035128] ['stabu1_100.mat', 3084628] ['stabu2_100.mat', 4620943] ['stabu3_100.mat', 4813907] ['t59b11xx_100.mat', 3422475] ['t59d11xx_100.mat', 1578363] ['t59f11xx_100.mat', 1645657] ['t59i11xx_100.mat', 110525701] ['t59n11xx_100.mat', 339846] ['t65b11xx_100.mat', 6838652] ['t65d11xx_100.mat', 3864170] ['t65f11xx_100.mat', 3422261] ['t65i11xx_100.mat', 258526264] ['t65l11xx_100.mat', 258226] ['t65n11xx_100.mat', 584994] ['t65w11xx_100.mat', 2340028158L] ['t69r11xx_100.mat', 12376802] ['t70b11xx_100.mat', 10206039] ['t70d11xn_100.mat', 6380990] ['t70d11xx_100.mat', 6730458] ['t70f11xx_100.mat', 5599538] ['t70i11xx_100.mat', 412358689] ['t70k11xx_100.mat', 913439000] ['t70l11xx_100.mat', 445930] ['t70n11xx_100.mat', 1012626] ['t70u11xx_100.mat', 368346600] ['t70w11xx_100.mat', 3843912787L] ['t70x11xx_100.mat', 4811578700L] ['t74d11xx_100.mat', 10224277] ['t75d11xx_100.mat', 10516566] ['t75e11xx_100.mat', 44153173] ['t75i11xx_100.mat', 1153513791] ['t75k11xx_100.mat', 1657042] ['t75n11xx_100.mat', 1857529] ['t75u11xx_100.mat', 975088327] ['tiw56n54_100.mat', 915391] ['tiw56n58_100.mat', 1262019] ['tiw56n62_100.mat', 1778296] ['tiw56n66_100.mat', 2292912] ['tiw56n67_100.mat', 2556637] ['tiw56n72_100.mat', 4458240] ['tiw56r54_100.mat', 1044894] ['tiw56r58_100.mat', 1330951] ['tiw56r66_100.mat', 2112679] ['tiw56r67_100.mat', 2227852] ['tiw56r72_100.mat', 3062387]

Links to material on metaheuristics

Last modified: Mon Nov 28 14:19:11 CET 2005
Joergen Bang-Jensen (