Computer Security

There will be lecture on both May 25 and May 27.
The dates for the oral exam are June 7 and June 8.
The current link to the article you should read for Tuesday, March 16, is here.
Exam questions from 2002 (also in PDF).
Exam questions for 2004 (also in PDF).
Course description.
The official course desciption.
Weekly notes
  1. Note 1 (also in PDF).
  2. Note 2 (also in PDF).
  3. Note 3 (also in PDF).
  4. Note 4 (also in PDF).
  5. Note 5 (also in PDF).
  6. Note 6 (also in PDF).
  7. Note 7 (also in PDF).
  8. Note 8 (also in PDF).
  9. Note 9 (also in PDF).
  10. Note 10 (also in PDF).
  11. Note 11 (also in PDF).
  12. Note 12 (also in PDF).
  13. Note 13 (also in PDF).
  14. Note 14 (also in PDF).
Student reports
Securing your website using the Apache HTTP daemon
Denial of Service (DOS)
Cluster Security: The architecture of DSM
Security in wireless networks
Security in Mobile IPv6
Protection of data on harddisk
VPN 3000 Server by Cisco
Office networks
CERT's list of statistics with security incidents reported, etc., over several years. Note the dramatic increase each year.
Crypto-Gram Newsletter.
Summary of messages passed in Kerberos.
Slides from Brian Vinter's lecture in 2002 on "Security and Mobile Code".
Last modified: Thu Sep 8 13:53:48 CEST 2005
Joan F. Boyar (


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