xkcd No. 435
xkcd No. 435

Welcome to DM840 - Algorithms in Cheminformatics !

The purpose of this course is to enable the student to solve a wide range of non-trivial discrete computational problems within computer science by applying advanced algorithmic ideas, graph theoretical approaches, knowledge from related fields of discrete mathematics, and complexity theory to problems motivated from or arising in chemistry. The course gives an academic basis for writing a Master’s thesis, that aims to apply core Computer Science approaches to relevant questions in Chemistry, Biology, Physics, or Mathematics. Informally, we will try to close the gap in the xkcd comic shown above.

While the course is offered as a master level course in the Computer Science education, I encourage besides computer scientists also applied mathematicians to consider following the course, too. Please contact me in case you have any questions.


17. Jan. 2022: Exam information is online, see Exam Information. I also announced a google docs link, where you can put yourself into a preferred slot at the exam. You should not rely on it, but I will try the best I can to satisfy your request.
14. Dec. 2021: The Zoom link for the last two lectures is https://syddanskuni.zoom.us/j/66477586612 , the password was given in itslearning.
03. Nov. 2021: Slides for week 45 online, see Weekly Notes for Week 45. On Tuesday I will make a midway evaluation, see the Weekly Notes.
08. Nov. 2021: Slides for week 44 online, see Weekly Notes for Week 44.
28. Oct. 2021: Slides for week 43 online, see Weekly Notes for Week 43.
12. Oct. 2021: Slides for week 41 online, see Weekly Notes for Week 41.
05. Oct. 2021: Slides for week 40 online, see Weekly Notes for Week 40.
20. Sep. 2021: Docker image for mød provided. Slides for week 38 online, see Weekly Notes for Week 38.
15. Sep. 2021: Slides for week 37 online, see Weekly Notes for Week 37.
06. Sep. 2021: Preliminary version of first mandatory assognment was uploasded, see Assignment 1.
06. Sep. 2021: Slides for week 36 online, see Weekly Notes for Week 36.
15. May 2021: Pizza Meeting:
15. May 2021: Webpage lauched.


to be announced