
Teaching Experience

Between September 1999 and July 2001, I worked as a student assistant in the Section of Logic and Computation of the Department of Mathematics at the Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon, teaching exercise classes in several Programming and related courses.

As a PhD student, I helped with the exercise classes for two courses at the University of Nijmegen: T2 (Complexity Theory for Informatics students) and an optative two-week course on Reflection for Biology students, both in 2003/2004.

After moving back to Lisbon, I worked for three years as an Invited Assistant Professor, again at the Section of Logic and Computation of the Department of Mathematics of Instituto Superior Técnico, teaching various courses on Programming.

From October 2007 until August 2009 I was an assistant professor at the Department of Informatics of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, where I taught the introductory Programming course, as well as several exercise and lab classes in other Programming and Theory of Computation classes.

From October 2009 to the end of 2013 I taught at the Escola Superior Náutica Infante D. Henrique, located near Lisbon, and switched back to Mathematics. In those four years, I taught all undergraduate Mathematics courses available (Calculus I & II, Linear Algebra, Numerical Methods, Probabilities and Statistics) and worked on reorganizing the syllabus and producing course notes for several of those courses.

In 2014 I started (again) as a postdoc at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Southern Denmark, becoming Assistant Professor in 2018 and Associate Professor in 2020. I teach different courses in Programming, Logic and Artificial Intelligence.

Course notes

All course notes from 2013 and before are in Portuguese. Their title might be a giveaway...

Exercise lists

Note: these lists contain exercises adapted from various sources, and not consisting only of original exercises. They were prepared as support material for specific courses, and are not to be understood as my publications.

Very boring list of all courses taught

2021/2022 @ SDU


Introduction to Programming Lectures Exercises CS 1st year

2020/2021 @ SDU


Introduction to Programming Lectures CS 1st year Math 2st year Comp. Biomed. 4th year / 1st year MSc DS 4th year / 1st year MSc


Logic for Computer Science Lectures Exercises CS 4th year / 1st year MSc
Artificial Intelligence Lectures Exercises CS 4th year / 1st year MSc

2019/2020 @ SDU


Introduction to Programming Lectures Exercises Labs CS 1st year Math 2st year Comp. Biomed. 4th year / 1st year MSc DS 4th year / 1st year MSc


Logic for Computer Science Lectures Exercises CS 4th year / 1st year MSc

2018/2019 @ SDU


Introduction to Programming Lectures Exercises Labs CS 1st year Math 2st year Comp. Biomed. 4th year / 1st year MSc


Logic for Computer Science Lectures Exercises CS 4th year / 1st year MSc

2016/2017 @ SDU


Programming Languages Lectures CS 2nd year


Logic for Computer Science Lectures Exercises CS 4th year / 1st year MSc

2015/2016 @ SDU


Programming Languages Lectures CS 2nd year

2014/2015 @ SDU


Programming Languages Lectures Exercises Labs CS 2nd year


Logic for Computer Science Lectures Exercises CS 4th year / 1st year MSc

2013/2014 @ ENIDH


Álgebra Linear Lectures Exercises LEMM+LESEM 1st year

2012/2013 @ ENIDH


Álgebra Linear Lectures Exercises LEMM+LESEM+LGP+LGTL 1st year
Análise Matemática I Exercises LEMM+LESEM 1st year
Métodos Numéricos Lectures Exercises LEMM 2nd year


Análise Matemática I Exercises LEMM 1st year
Análise Matemática II Exercises LEMM+LESEM+LGP 1st year
Probabilidades e Estatística Lectures Exercises LEMM 2nd year

2011/2012 @ ENIDH


Álgebra Linear Lectures Exercises LEMM+LESEM+LGP+LGTL 1st year
Análise Matemática I Exercises LEMM+LESEM 1st year
Métodos Numéricos Lectures Exercises LEMM 2nd year


Álgebra Linear Lectures Exercises LPil 1st year
Análise Matemática II Exercises LGP 1st year
Probabilidades e Estatística Lectures Exercises LEMM 2nd year

2010/2011 @ ENIDH


Álgebra Linear Lectures Exercises LEMM+LESEM+LGP+LGTL 1st year
Análise Matemática I Lectures Exercises LEMM 1st year


Métodos Computacionais Lectures Exercises LEMM 1st year
Probabilidades e Estatística Lectures Exercises LEMM+LPil 2nd year

2009/2010 @ ENIDH


Análise Matemática I Lectures Exercises LEMM+LESEM 1st year


Álgebra Linear Lectures Exercises LGP+LGTL 1st year
Análise Matemática II Lectures Exercises LEMM+LESEM 1st year

2008/2009 @ FCUL


Introdução à Programação Lectures Exercises Labs LEI 1st year


Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados Exercises LEI 1st year
Laboratórios de Programação Lectures Labs LEI 1st year
Teoria da Computação Exercises LEI 3rd year

2007/2008 @ FCUL


Introdução à Programação Exercises LEI 1st year
Software Fiável Exercises MEI 4th year / 1st year MSc


Algoritmos e Estruturas de Dados Exercises LEI 1st year
Laboratórios de Programação Lectures Labs LEI 1st year

2006/2007 @ IST


Computação e Programação Lectures LEAmb+LEMat 1st year
Computação e Programação Exercises LQ 1st year
Elementos de Programação Exercises LMAC+MEBiom 1st year

2005/2006 @ IST


Computação e Programação Lectures LEB+LQ 1st year


Programação em Lógica Lectures Exercises LCI 2nd year LEIC 4th year / 1st year MSc

2004/2005 @ IST


Elementos de Programação Exercises LEBM+LMAC 1st year


Programação em Lógica Lectures Exercises LCI 2nd year

2003/2004 @ KUN


Schakelblok Informatica voor Biologen Exercises


T2 – Inl. Complexiteitstheorie Exercises Informatica+Informatiekunde 2nd year

2000/2001 @ IST


Teoria da Computação Exercises LEIC 1st year
Elementos Algébricos da Programação I Exercises LMAC 3rd year


Programação Exercises LEBM 1st year
Elementos Algébricos da Programação II Exercises LMAC 4th year / 1st year MSc

1999/2000 @ IST


Teoria da Computação Exercises LEIC 1st year


Programação Exercises LEBM+LQ 1st year


Lectures Lectures
Exercises Exercises
Labs Labs

1st year 1st year BSc
2nd year 2nd year BSc
3rd year 3rd year BSc
4th year / 1st year MSc 4th year BSc / 1st year MSc