Research Training Program in Computer Science
- a program under the
Ph.D. School of the Faculty of Science

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Faculty Members

[in alphabetical order]

Lektor Jakob Lykke Andersen
Algorithmic cheminformatics, algorithm engineering, algorithmics.

Professor Jørgen Bang-Jensen
Combinatorial Optimization, Graph Algorithms, Algorithmics, Industrial Applications of Combinatorial Optimization Techniques, Metaheuristics.

Professor Joan Boyar
Online Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Complexity Theory, Algorithmics.

Professor Ricardo Campello
Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Big Data, Applications.

Lektor Marco Chiarandini
Heuristic Methods for Optimization, Experimental Analysis of Algorithms, Scheduling.

Professor Rolf Fagerberg
External Memory Algorithms, Data Structures, Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Database Systems.

Lektor Lene Monrad Favrholdt
Online Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Algorithmics.

Professor Stefan Jänicke
Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Visual Interface Design.

Lektor Melih Kandemir
Bayesian inference, stochastic modeling, neural networks, reinforcement learning.

Professor Kim Skak Larsen (head of program)
Online Algorithms, Data Structures, Database Systems, Algorithmics.

Professor Jacopo Mauro
Cloud Computing, Optimization and AI Planning, Software deployment, Programming Languages, Service-Oriented Computing.

Adjunkt Peter Mayer
End-User Viable Information Security & Privacy Solutions.

Professor Daniel Merkle
Computational Biology, Phylogenetics, Combinatorial Optimization, Parallel Computing.

Professor Fabrizio Montesi
Design and Development of Programming Languages for Concurrent Systems.

Lektor Marco Peressotti
Formal Methods, Concurrency, Logic, Category Theory.

Lektor Lars Rohwedder
Approximation Algorithms, Parameterized Algorithms, Integer Programming

Professor Richard Röttger
Practical Computer Science in Biomedicine.

Professor Peter Schneider-Kamp
Automated Reasoning, Software Verification, Constraint Solving, Programming Languages.

Adjungeret lektor Fabio Vandin
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.

Professor Arthur Zimek
Databases and Machine Learning.

Former Faculty Members

Professor Jan Baumbach

Lektor Edmund Christiansen
Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Life Sciences.

Lektor Luís Cruz-Filipe
Choreographic Programming, Theorem Proving, Data Consistency

Adjunkt Hannes Frey
Localized Network Algorithms (Geographic Routing, Topology Control), Ad Hoc Networks, Sensor Networks.

Adjunkt Tao Gu
Pervasive Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Cyber-Physical Systems.

Professor Emeritus Peter Kornerup
Digital Arithmetic, Signal processing, Cryptographic Algorithms.

Lektor Klaus Meer
Complexity Theory (discrete, algebraic, descriptive), Approximation Algorithms, Optimization (continuous, combinatorial), Logic in Computer Science, Homotopy Methods.

Director of Nordic Datagrid Facility, Lektor Brian Vinter
High Performance Computing, Architecture, Operating Systems, Runtime Environments, Distributed Shared Memory, Cluster Architectures.

Lektor Yongluan Zhou
Database Systems, Query Processing and Optimization, Data Stream Management Systems, Distributed Systems, Sensor Networks, Scientific Data Management.


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