Faculty Members
[in alphabetical order]
- Lektor Jakob Lykke Andersen
- Algorithmic cheminformatics, algorithm engineering, algorithmics.
- Professor Jørgen Bang-Jensen
- Combinatorial Optimization, Graph Algorithms, Algorithmics, Industrial Applications of Combinatorial Optimization Techniques, Metaheuristics.
- Professor Joan Boyar
- Online Algorithms, Combinatorial Optimization, Complexity Theory, Algorithmics.
- Professor Ricardo Campello
- Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Big Data, Applications.
- Lektor Marco Chiarandini
- Heuristic Methods for Optimization, Experimental Analysis of Algorithms, Scheduling.
- Professor Rolf Fagerberg
- External Memory Algorithms, Data Structures, Algorithms in Bioinformatics, Database Systems.
- Lektor Lene Monrad Favrholdt
- Online Algorithms, Bioinformatics, Algorithmics.
- Professor Stefan Jänicke
- Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Visual Interface Design.
- Lektor Melih Kandemir
- Bayesian inference, stochastic modeling, neural networks, reinforcement learning.
- Professor Kim Skak Larsen (head of program)
- Online Algorithms, Data Structures, Database Systems, Algorithmics.
- Professor Jacopo Mauro
- Cloud Computing, Optimization and AI Planning, Software deployment, Programming Languages, Service-Oriented Computing.
- Adjunkt Peter Mayer
- End-User Viable Information Security & Privacy Solutions.
- Professor Daniel Merkle
- Computational Biology, Phylogenetics, Combinatorial Optimization, Parallel Computing.
- Professor Fabrizio Montesi
- Design and Development of Programming Languages for Concurrent Systems.
- Lektor Marco Peressotti
- Formal Methods, Concurrency, Logic, Category Theory.
- Lektor Lars Rohwedder
- Approximation Algorithms, Parameterized Algorithms, Integer Programming
- Professor Richard Röttger
- Practical Computer Science in Biomedicine.
- Professor Peter Schneider-Kamp
- Automated Reasoning, Software Verification, Constraint Solving, Programming Languages.
- Adjungeret lektor Fabio Vandin
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
- Professor Arthur Zimek
- Databases and Machine Learning.
Former Faculty Members
- Professor Jan Baumbach
- Bioinformatics.
- Lektor Edmund Christiansen
- Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modelling in Mechanics and Life Sciences.
- Lektor Luís Cruz-Filipe
- Choreographic Programming, Theorem Proving, Data Consistency
- Adjunkt Hannes Frey
- Localized Network Algorithms (Geographic Routing, Topology Control), Ad Hoc Networks, Sensor Networks.
- Adjunkt Tao Gu
- Pervasive Computing, Wireless Sensor Networks, Cyber-Physical Systems.
- Professor Emeritus Peter Kornerup
- Digital Arithmetic, Signal processing, Cryptographic Algorithms.
- Lektor Klaus Meer
- Complexity Theory (discrete, algebraic, descriptive), Approximation Algorithms, Optimization (continuous, combinatorial), Logic in Computer Science, Homotopy Methods.
- Director of Nordic Datagrid Facility, Lektor Brian Vinter
- High Performance Computing, Architecture, Operating Systems, Runtime Environments, Distributed Shared Memory, Cluster Architectures.
- Lektor Yongluan Zhou
- Database Systems, Query Processing and Optimization, Data Stream Management Systems, Distributed Systems, Sensor Networks, Scientific Data Management.